Fieldstation TERRA (Gaiagraphy) / Locality Grid 2.1 : Bali / June 2019 / Bali

Fieldstation TERRA (Gaiagraphy) / Locality Grid 2.1 : Bali / June 2019

Locality Grid 2.1 (LG) is an alignment of 18 charged crystals through intense ceremonial activities, that are inearthed in 17 temples on Bali. The form links these religious and historical places  with LG 1.7 (Sittard-Java-Bali) and activates a geomantic narrative aimed at creating, feeling an exploring one’s relation with the Earth.

Participating organisations :

Stichting Vlinder, The Netherlands

Forum Studi Majapahit, Bali

Komite Budaya Nusantara, Bali

Karaton Amarta Bumi, Java

Yayasan Siwa Budha Buturaya Caka 1247, Bali

Rumah Budaya Babaran Segaragunung, Java

Newearth Festival 2019, Bali

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