FIELDSTATION TIME / 16-08-2017 / 11h – 15h30 / in “A Temporary Futures Institute”, M HKA / Antwerp


FIELDSTATION TIME (Inhabiting Time), 16/08/2017, 11h-15h30

EM investigates how to decolonize the experience of time, by exploring concepts related to the notion of ‘inhabiting time’. The project will research and rethink different theories and philosophies of time while experimenting with intuitive, holistic and spiritual experiences that can help us re-connect with inner time.

in “A Temporary Futures Institute”, M HKA, Museum of Modern Art Antwerp, Leuvenstraat 32, 2000 Antwerp


– Introduction of the exhibition “A Temporary Futures Institute” by Maya Van Leemput

– Intro “EM” by Filip Van Dingenen

– Re-enactment of the meeting on 6 april 1922 in Paris of Henri Bergson and Albert Einstein. Featuring inner-subjective time versus mechanical clocktime (lecture-performance in English)

“The years that followed their encounter in Paris, can be compared to those of religious wars – with one major difference : instead of debating how to read the bible, thinkers across a wide variety of disciplines debated about how to read the complex unfolding of nature through time”.

Jimena Canales

– Categories on time : A playful collaborative project & integration of the exhibition “A Temporary Futures Institute”

– Lunch

– Time therapy (active meditation)

Admission for the Fieldstation is free, but a fee of 5€ is asked for the exhibition “A Temporary Futures Institute”.

Please register by sending an e-mail to :



Jimena Canales, “The physicist and the philosopher”, 2015, Princeton University Press.

Philip Zimbardo & John Boyd, “The time paradox”, 2010, Rider.

Marie-Louise von Franz, “Tijd”, 1979, De Haan, Haarlem.

Stephen Hawking, “A brief History of time”, 1996, Bantam Books.

Carol Orlock, “De biologische klok”, 1995, Ploegsma.

“Les Amants seront-ils plus heureux sans le déchirement de l’attente”, Entretien entre Umberto Eco & Daniel Soutif, in : “Le temps vite”, journal de l’exposition” (12/1-17/4/2000), Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Hans Andeweg, “Scheppend Leven”, 2011, Juwelenschip, Cothen.

“De schaal van Richter en andere getallen”, 1992, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam.

“Henri Bergson”, in : Pantheon der nobelprijswinnaars, 1963, Heideland, Hasselt.

Christine Gruwez, “Tijdgenoten onderweg”, Via libra.

“Henri Bergson”, in “Stanford Encycopedia of philosophy”.

Henri Bergson, “Time and Free Will (On the immediate data of Consciousness)”, Dover Publications, 2001.

“L’art et le temps (regards sur la 4e dimension)”, Catalogue d’exposition, 1985, Societé des expositions des Beaux Arts, Bruxelles.

Etienne Klein, “ Le facteur temps ne sonne jamais deux fois”, 2007, Flammarion.

Pieter Thyssen, “Een teletijdmachine? Enkel een kwestie van tijd”,

Joanna Macy, “World as lover, world as self”, 2007, Parallax Press.