Fieldstation ABC / 27 jan 2018 / 10h-18h / ART BASICS for CHILDREN / Gaucheretplein 13 / 1030 Brussels

froginvite5FIELDSTATION ABC… by Ecole Mondiale. EM

‘Human speech is simply our part of a much broader conversation’ David Abram

In Becoming Animal, An Earthly Cosmology, David Abram states that human speech is part of a broader conversation and argues for sensing an animated earth. EM asks how we can take part of conversations beyond non-verbal language? How to include narratives together with human and more than human agency, and find attunement & resonances in relationships?

Therefore the EM-FIELDSTATION ABC… is experimental, serious and playful towards the creation of tools & prototypes in these new kinds of relationships. Learning and understanding more about how to relate to the complexity of others more than-human.

During this one day Fieldstation we search to develop an attentiveness by doing, thinking and feeling. A collective event together with children, books, collections and multiplying voices.

This EM-Fieldstation is the final stage of the PhD-project of Filip Van Dingenen – LUCA School of Arts. EM-FIELDSTATION ABC…, on January 27 is an attempt to dialogue with and in the laboratory of “Art Basics for children” in Schaerbeek, Brussels


10h Welcome

10h30 Introduction in the ‘reference room’ by Filip Van Dingenen

11h Alternating workshops :

Feldenkrais method ‘Awareness through movement’ by Natacha Nicora

‘Regimes of Care’ co-creative workshop by Filip Van Dingenen & Ive Van Bostraeten

13h Luch by Joris Vermeir (10€ – children 5€)

14h15-15h “The Root of the Matter” -
 Performative talk by Seanie Barron / Sean Lynch & Michele Horrigan (Askeaton Contemporary Arts)

15h-15h30 / 15h30-16h “Resonance of the day” – Voice workshop by Aurelie Lierman

15h-15h30 “Deep Senne Walk” by Ive Van Bostraeten

15h45-16h30 “Guided tour” by Filip Van Dingenen

16h30-17h15 round table “Sharing Thought”

17h15-17h30 “Chorale” – End


“Dreams of Conraua goliath” – Ecole Mondiale in collaboration with ABC – Esra – Frederike – Cosima

“Performing the Locality Grid Brussels” – Ecole Mondiale in collaboration with ABC – Esra – Frederike – Cosima

The “Fieldstation ABC” is free for adults and children, but reservation is required